Members of the press start here.

Press Kit

Referring to MARRs brand and MARRs entities

The first four letters of Marrs should be capitalized followed by a lower case s like so ( MARRs )
For Wedding and Event related Media Please refer to MARRs as “ MARRs Planning “
For catering please refer to MARRs as MARRs Cafe

Social Media

MARRs Cafe:


MARRs Planning:



MARRs Planning logo, to be used interchangeably with Events or Weddings.





MARRs Cafe logo, to be used when referring to the company as a whole. Or for catering services


If you or your company would like to send a journalist to one of our events please fill out the following form. Upon review we will send you a media packet, and schedule for the requested event. Depending on the event we may require further correspondence, up to the photo identification for any involved personnel.